Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Text File
640 lines
The follwing is a reference of the data types provided by FILEDEF.TPU.
Note: do not attempt to compile this file. Doing so may cause the
updated FILEDEF.TPU file to be incompatible with the other TPU files.
const logsize = 75; { size of last caller log }
chatsize = 4; { chat queue size - 1 }
ulistmax = 50; { upload list size }
maxproto = 15; { number of external protocols }
const { Message File Constants }
indexsize = 1024; { size of index hash table }
blocksize = 250; { text block size }
const configspec = 'CONFIG.SL2'; { Configuration Info }
nodesspec = 'NODES.SL2'; { Node Information }
chatspec = 'CHAT.SL2'; { Chat File }
logspec = 'LOG.SL2'; { Caller Log }
subspec = 'SUBBOARD.SL2'; { Subboard Definitions }
dirspec = 'FILEDIR.SL2'; { UL/DL Directory Definitions }
doorspec = 'DOORS.SL2'; { External Program Definitions }
msysspec: string[80]
= 'STRINGS.SYS'; { Offline Message Strings }
ulistspec = 'UPLIST.SL2'; { Batch Upload Description List }
configpath: string[60] = '';
{ path to CONFIG file }
Type { -- Preliminary Type Definitions ------------------------------------ }
RSbaud = (B110,B150,B300,B600,B1200,B2400,B4800,B9600,B19200,B38400,
cmpresult = (Less,Equal,Greater);
comparefunction = function (p1,p2: pointer): cmpresult;
IxType = (SEQ,UID,MAIL);
{ index type, seqential/universal/mail }
fileset = set of filetype;
timetype = record { time }
hour: byte;
minute: byte;
datetype = record { date }
year: byte;
month: byte;
day: byte;
pwtype = array[1..3] of byte; { 3-byte password }
maillogtype = (MLOFF,MLON,MLTAP);
attribtype = 1..24;
attribset = set of attribtype; { access attribute set A-X }
ProtocolType = (Extern,XSUM,XCRC,X1K,ZMODEM);
Protocolkind = (SingleFile,MultiFile,Indirect);
ExProtocol = record
name: string[40]; { protocol name }
sendcmd: string[72]; { send command }
rcvcmd: string[72]; { receive command }
source: ProtocolType; { type of protocol }
extra: string[19]; { expansion room }
ColorType = (NULLCOLOR, { no color set }
NORMAL, { normal screen color for most i/o }
INVERSE, { foreground color for input highlighting }
BACKGROUND, { background color for input highlighting }
COMCOLOR, { color for command highlight }
SUBCOLOR, { subboard information }
HEADCOLOR, { color for headings }
CHATCOLOR, { chat mode color }
SPECIAL, { special prompts and messages }
ERRCOLOR, { error and warning messages }
ALTCOLOR, { alt. special color }
PROMPTCOLOR ); { colour for prompts }
MsgType = record { inter-terminal message }
from: integer; { node where from }
name: string[25]; { name of sender }
message: string[73]; { text of msg }
AutoDoorType = record { automatic door }
command: string[60];
directory: string[60];
commtype: byte;
abort: byte;
writeprot: boolean;
dropfile: byte; { 0=None 1=PCB14 2=PCB12 3=DOOR.SYS 4=DORINFOx.DEF }
pause: boolean; { pause after door executes? }
extra: string[8];
PortDefType = record { COM port definition }
PortType: byte; { type of port: 0=standard 1=FOSSIL 2=Digiboard }
BaseAddress: word; { base address for standard ports }
IRQ: word; { interrupt for standard ports }
Num: byte; { external port number for FOSSIL/Digi ports }
extra: string[7]; { extra bytes }
AccessType = record { access level set }
attrib: attribset; { attributes }
msglevel: integer; { message system access level }
filelevel: integer; { file system access level }
ratio: byte; { download:upload ratio }
timelimit: integer; { daily time limit }
sesslimit: integer; { per session time limit }
expiredate: datetype; { expiration date }
AccessDefType = record
name: string[20]; { name of access level }
days: integer; { # of days added to expiration date }
a: accesstype; { access levels }
FidoAddressType = record
node,net,zone,point: word;
AddressType = record { message address information }
data: string[40]; { address data }
atype: byte; { 0=forward 1=incoming netmail 2=outgoing netmail }
Type { -- CONFIG, NODES and CHAT file types ------------------------------- }
configtype = record { format of CONFIG file }
systemname: string[30]; { the name of the BBS }
xxtra: string[25];
node: integer; { node number this node }
maxnode: integer; { total number of active nodes }
version: integer; { version of SLBBS program in use }
progpath: string[45]; { path to program files }
altprogpath: string[45];{ alternate program path }
datapath: string[45]; { path to data files }
chatpath: string[45]; { path to chat.bbs }
textpath: string[45]; { path to text files }
incpath: string[45]; { path to user include files }
mailpath: string[45]; { path for MAIL.LOG files }
alogspec: string[45]; { activity log filespec }
flogspec: string[45]; { files log filespec [std] }
logfile: string[45]; { default general log file }
sysfile: string[45]; { path/filename for pcboard.sys file }
defaultpw: string[45]; { default password for uploads }
presshard: byte; { reserved }
curruser: longint; { current user ID number }
currsub: string[8]; { current/last used message area }
currdir: string[8]; { current/last used file area }
lastdoor: string[45]; { current/last door menu executed }
logtime: timetype; { time current user logged on }
laston: datetype; { last logon date of current user }
remote: boolean; { set if remote logon }
rsactive: boolean; { set if rs port active }
baudrate: rsbaud; { caller's actual effective baud rate }
errorfree: boolean; { set if error free connect detected }
ansi: boolean; { caller's ANSI graphics mode }
color: boolean; { caller's color mode indicator }
timelimit: integer; { caller's time limit for this session }
newlogon: boolean; { set if main program not yet run }
sysavail: boolean; { set if sysop is available }
sysopnext: boolean; { set if sysop will be next login }
paged: boolean; { set if sysop was paged }
superuser: boolean; { set if superuser key (alt-s) pressed }
newusers: boolean; { new user registration? }
reginfo: word; { registration info to collect? }
minaccess: byte; { min. access lev req. for login }
noquotes: boolean; { set if Quotes are Off }
inithelp: helplevel; { initial help level }
partreg: boolean; { collect partial user info? }
comport: byte; { com port to use }
bsupport: byte; { baud rates supported }
initstr: string[45]; { modem 'remote' init string }
localstr: string[45]; { modem 'local' init string }
buffactor: integer; { output buffer size }
bufferdoors: boolean; { buffer DOOR output? }
modemmsg: boolean; { true for modem msg baud detect }
flowcntrl: boolean; { set for harware cts/dsr flow control }
lockedbaud: rsbaud; { baud rate to lock modem at }
hardbreak: boolean; { if set, bbs uses hard modem breaks }
directvid: boolean; { direct screen/BIOS output switch }
dateformat: byte; { desired date format }
timeformat: byte; { desired time format }
payback: byte; { upload time payback }
romcopy: boolean; { set for ROM file copies }
userpriv: boolean; { set if user lists are private }
PauseSource: byte; { source for pause routine (dos/bios/ram) }
command: string[255]; { next command executed by slbbs.exe }
commtype: byte; { next command type }
commdir: string[80]; { default dir for command }
wp: boolean; { write protection for command }
abort: byte; { abort type for command }
doorflag: byte; { program to run on return from door }
keyflag: boolean; { set if "press return" desired }
indoors: byte; { doors active flag }
relog: boolean; { relog flag }
lastevent: integer; { line number of last event }
lastday: byte; { day last event executed }
nextevent: integer; { time until next system event (-1=None) }
eventsoon: boolean; { set if event scheduled after current session }
idletime: byte; { idle time limit }
lastactive: boolean; { set if lastuser currently logged in }
host: boolean; { if set, return to DOS on logout }
hangup: boolean; { if set, hang up after each call }
disablekeys: boolean; { if set, hot keys are disabled }
AccessDef: array[1..25]
of AccessDefType; { access level definitions }
Colorchart: array [NORMAL..PROMPTCOLOR]
of byte; { color definitions }
PortDef: array[1..8]
of PortDefType; { COM port setup info }
Proto: array[1..MaxProto]
of exprotocol; { external protocols setup }
Autodoors: array[1..3] of autodoortype;
MaxRegNode: integer; { max nodes permitted by reg number }
subboardset: string[57];
{ name of active subboard list }
ftime: timetype; { start of xfer time }
fdisc: char; { disconnect from external xfer }
fileset: string[60];
{ name of active DIR file list }
invis: boolean; { Alt-I invisible switch }
expireaction: byte; { 0=none, 1=reset access, 2=delete account }
usesession: boolean; { Use session time limit? }
junk: boolean;
UserAnsiMode: AnsiType; { Ansi type of person running door }
unused: integer;
subdoors: boolean; { Var for doors menu }
Mainmenupath: string[45]; { Main path to menu files }
{ Misc. Functionality Security Attributes }
FwdAttrib: AttribSet; { Attribs. needed to forward messages }
ChatAttrib: AttribSet; { Needed to use internode chatting }
QuotAttrib: AttribSet; { Needed to use F4 message quoting }
PrivateAttach: AttribSet; { Can attach file to private message }
PublicAttach: AttribSet; { Can attach file to public message }
More: Array[1..6] of AttribSet; { Room for more }
UploadDoor: Autodoortype; { Upload autodoor }
ExUD: boolean; { Execute upload autodoor? }
AnsiDetect: boolean; { Set if ANSI was auto-detected }
RipTest: boolean; { Set if RIP should be tested for }
RipOn: boolean; { Set if RIP is available }
RipVers: array[1..3] of byte; { Rip version }
Altmenupath: string[45]; { Alternate path to menu files }
AttachPath: string[45]; { File attach path }
NoGreeting: boolean; { If set, disable login greeting }
MaxFileDescrip: Integer; { max. size of file descriptions }
HighAscii: boolean; { support high ascii chars? }
extra: array[1..597] of byte;
Subboard_Update: boolean; { set if SubboardSet variable cleared }
Protocol_Update: boolean; { set if proto chart updated for 3.0 }
type nodetype = record { NODES file }
syscalls: longint; { record 0: total calls to system }
lastuser: longint; { record 0: last user on the system }
lastquote: string[72]; { record 0: quote left by last user }
name: string[25]; { logged user's name }
id: longint; { logged user's id }
stat: byte; { logged user's chat status }
savestat: byte; { saved status from door or ext. proto. }
extra: string[14]; { pad to 128 bytes }
type chattype = record { CHAT.BBS file }
head,tail: byte; { head, tail of msg queue }
msg: array[0..chatsize] { up to four messages }
of msgtype;
{ -- USER file ----------------------------------------------------------- }
type UserHeader = record { file header info }
root: TreeRootType; { tree root info }
{ Netmail Fields }
Origin: array[1..5]
of FidoAddressType; { primary & alternate addresses }
BadMail: string[25]; { Where to send bad messages }
routeedit: Attribset; { Netmail function security attributes }
SysopName: string[25]; { Sysop's real name }
pad: array[1..4] of byte;
Usertype = record
Leaf: TreeLeafType; { tree leaf info }
name: string[25]; { user's real name }
alias: string[25]; { user's alias name }
passwd: pwtype; { password }
cksum: integer; { checksum of name }
firston: datetype; { date of first logon }
laston: datetype; { date of last logon }
lasttime: timetype; { time of last logon }
calls: longint; { total number of calls }
location: string[20]; { user's location }
systype: string[15]; { system type }
phoneno: string[12]; { phone number }
pref: attribset; { user preference attributes }
NoMsgPrompt: boolean; { display subboard/mail disposition prompts? }
LastMailDate: datetype; { date specified in last mail list/inquire }
NetAddr: AddressType; { netmail routing address }
InProto: ProtocolType; { protocol for internal xfers }
subboard: string[8]; { current or last used subboard }
fproto: byte; { default file xfer protocol }
logmail: maillogtype; { log mail sent/rcv'd }
scrnsize: byte; { screen size (0=continuous scroll) }
help: helplevel; { help level }
ansimode: ansitype; { default ANSI mode }
access: accesstype; { access & time limits }
timeleft: integer; { time left today }
uploads: longint; { Kbytes uploaded }
ulcount: longint; { File upload count }
downloads: longint; { Kbytes downloaded }
dlcount: longint; { File download count }
listformat: byte; { file list format prompt/short/long }
msgpause: byte; { msg pause default prompt/yes/no }
{ QWK Data }
QWKProtocol: byte; { Protocol: 0=Zmodem 1=Ymodem 2=Xmodem }
QWKArchiveType: byte; { Archiver: 0=ZIP }
QWKPacketNum: byte; { Packet Number }
QWKName: byte; { Naming Convention: 0=Suffix 1=Prefix }
QWKIndexes: byte; { Generate Indexes: 0=Yes 1=No }
QWKFromYou: byte; { DL Mail from you: 0=Yes 1=No }
QWKMarkNew: byte; { Mark new messages as read: 0=Yes 1=No }
QWKPacketType: byte; { Packet type: 0=QWK 1=Text }
pad: array[1..10] of byte; { pad to 256 bytes }
{ -- Setup Files ------------------------------------------------------------ }
type SetupHeader = record
root: TreeRootType; { tree root info }
pad: string[116]; { header for subboard SETUP files }
SetupData = record { data for SETUP files }
Leaf: TreeLeafType; { tree leaf info }
name: string[8]; { eight-char item name }
path: string[40]; { path to HDR/DIR file }
descrip: string[40]; { name of subboard/file area }
access: integer; { access level required to use }
attrib: attribset; { attributes required to read/join }
case integer of
1: ( { Subboards }
subsysop: string[25]; { subop's name }
echomail: boolean; { echomail attrib for subboards }
postattrib: attribset; { attributes required to post }
visible: boolean; { subboard visible? }
pad: string[13]); { extra bytes }
2: ( { Filedirs }
filepath: string[38]; { path to upload/download files }
writeonly: boolean;
Free: word;
Value: integer;
skipscan: boolean); { skip duplicate file scan? }
{ -- Message Files ---------------------------------------------------------- }
type SubType = record { subboard header information }
access: integer; { access level required to use subboard }
attrib: attribset; { attributes required to read/join }
name: string[40]; { long sub board name }
subsysop: string[25]; { sub-sysop's name }
maxsize: longint; { maximum number of msgs allowed }
maxmsglen: integer; { max. message length }
anonymous: boolean; { set if anonymous posts are allowed }
echomail: boolean; { set if echomail on this subboard }
autokill: boolean; { purge old messages automatically }
compress: boolean; { set to compress message texts }
messages: longint; { number of active headers }
nextid: longint; { next MSG ID number }
lastmsg: longint; { first & last active msg by ID # }
orignode: word; { originating node, for echomail }
orignet: word; { originating net, for echomail }
origzone: word; { originating zone, for echomail }
origpoint: word; { originating point }
userjoin: boolean; { set if users allowed to join }
postattrib: attribset; { attributes required to post msgs }
visible: boolean; { false hides subboard from list }
pad: string[14]; { pad to 128 bytes }
IndexType = array [SEQ..UID,0..IndexSize-1]
of longint; { index for sequential and uid values }
HeaderType = record { message header }
status: byte; { 0=header, 255=deleted }
id: array[SEQ..UID]
of longint; { sequential and universal ID numbers }
next: array[SEQ..UID]
of longint; { pointers to next headers if any }
txt: longint; { pointer to start of text in text file }
from: string[25]; { text of sender's name }
fromid: longint; { sender's user record, if local }
touser: string[25]; { text of receiver's name }
toid: longint; { receiver's user record, if local }
subj: string[40]; { subject }
time: timetype; { time recorded }
date: datetype; { date recorded }
rd: longint; { times read }
replies: longint; { times replied-to }
addr: AddressType; { forward or expanded address info }
fattach: string[12]; { attached file, if any }
fretain: boolean; { if set, don't kill file when message killed }
extra: string[4]; { extra heading information }
prot: boolean; { purge protection }
logged: boolean; { set if mail logged to disk }
nextseq: longint; { next/previous sequential message }
nextthread: longint; { next/previous threaded message }
topthread, { first msg in this thread }
lastreply, { last reply to this message }
replyto: longint; { message to which this is a direct reply }
nextmail: longint; { next/previous personal mail message }
attribute: word; { echomail flags/attributes }
nextseqrec: longint; { record # of next sequential msg }
nextmailrec: longint; { record # of next mail message }
crashmail: boolean; { set if crash mail }
pad: string[10]; { pad to 256 bytes }
TextHeader = record { header info for message file }
pad: string[127];
TexType = record { block of text from text file }
copies: byte; { #of copies 255=deleted }
data: string[blocksize]; { block of text }
next: longint; { pointer to next block }
MembHeader = record { header for member file }
root: treeroottype;
pad: string[116];
MembType = record { block data for member file }
Leaf: treeleaftype;
name: string[25]; { member's name }
firston: datetype; { date joined this subboard }
laston: datetype; { date last accessed this subboard }
lastread: longint; { highest message read }
lastmail: longint; { first/last personal message this subboard }
pad: string[66];
{ -- Log and Quotes Files ------------------------------------------------- }
type logtype = record { LOG file }
head: integer;
users: array[1..logsize] of record
id: longint; { user ID # }
chksum: integer; { user checksum }
time: timetype; { time of login }
date: datetype; { date of login }
logfiletype = file of logtype;
type quotehead = record
head: longint;
tail: longint;
pad: string[7];
quotetype = record
status: byte;
name: string[25]; { their name }
quote: string[72]; { what they said }
time: timetype; { when they said it }
date: datetype;
pad: string[22];
{ -- File Directories ------------------------------------------------------ }
type DirHeader = record { File directory header info }
root: treeroottype; { root information }
access: byte; { access level required to use directory }
attrib: attribset; { attributes required to use/upload }
name: string[40]; { long directory name }
visible: boolean; { directory visible? }
subsysop: string[25]; { directory subsysop }
filepath: string[45]; { path to files }
maxsize: word; { max number of files allowed }
autokill: boolean; { auto kill oldest files }
readonly: boolean; { read only dir }
writeonly: boolean; { write only dir }
free: longint; { free files limit }
value: integer; { value multiplier }
dlattrib: attribset; { attributes required to download }
skipscan: boolean; { skip duplicate file scan }
pad: array[1..109] of byte; { pad to 256 bytes }
DirType = record { File directory record format }
leaf: treeleaftype; { tree/list leaf data }
name: string[12]; { filename }
descrip: string[40]; { description }
edescrip: array[1..2]
of string[60]; { extended description }
spare: byte; { spare byte }
length: longint; { length in 128-char blocks }
id: longint; { ID of uploader }
cksum: integer; { checksum of uploader }
date: datetype; { date uploaded }
times: longint; { # of times downloaded }
passwd: pwtype; { password }
offline: boolean; { flag if file not available }
EdfTxt: longint; { pointer to extended description }
pad: array[1..37] of byte; { pad to 256 bytes }
(c) Copyright 1993 Searchlight Software